Boys' Swim Team Enters Sectionals on 4-Year Roll
Posted on 01/31/2017
Coach celebrates with swimmersEagleCast logo
After a 33-year career as coach of the Ball State University women's swim team, Laura Seibold-Caudill began coaching the Delta High School boys' and girls' programs.

The boys' team has not lost a dual meet since the Fall of 2013.

Senior Lexi Adams, a member of the Eagle Zone News telecommunications class at Delta High School, sat down with Coach Seibold-Caudill on Monday, Jan. 30 to reflect on her long swimming career and the current Eagle teams.

Please enjoy the 40-minute EagleCast podcast.

Students on the Eagle Zone News team will continue to produce and post podcasts on topics of widespread interest in the coming weeks.

Senior Night Swimming

Swimmer Chandler Tucker

Winning Relay Team

Swimmer Landon Morgan