Delta High School has a long history of offering dual-credit courses (classes that count for both high school and college credit). In 2013, that history culminated in the formation of the University of Delta High School, which is a formal program of dual-credit classes that form pathways to college or technical certifications.
Delta is one of only 12 certified Early College High Schools in the state of Indiana.
Nearly 85 percent of Delta's Class of 2015 had at least some dual credits. The goal for Indiana high schools is to have at least 25 percent of seniors with college credits.
In partnership with Ball State University and Ivy Tech State College, the University of Delta High School offers students the opportunity to choose from more than 100 college credits prior to high school graduation.
As a result, many recent graduates have been able to enter college as at least a sophomore in standing. Some have graduated college in three or fewer years. Many families have saved tens of thousands of dollars as a result of the UDHS program.