In the Comfort of Your Home
How students currently view eLearning
By Ava Reagan
Against all odds, students have been plowing through the weekly assigned schoolwork. Calculators are whipped out for puzzling equations, stretches have to be done before going into a PE assignment, and passages must be read through a provided online textbook. All done within walls.
eLearning has already done before, what with day-long holidays, or maybe even sick days. But with the world currently in shambles thanks to the ongoing virus outbreak, do students still think of the learning alternative the same way they did before?
“I thought it would make assignments easier,” says freshman Brayden Bowman, “because you could access whatever online, and workbooks as well.” But due to recent events, he has had second thoughts because “teachers are also trying to do notes and other things on Canvas, and it’s a bit confusing on what exactly you’re supposed to do on each day.” In all, Brayden would prefer learning in a classroom rather than Canvas.
Sophomore Anna Krejsa originally thought that eLearning would be quicker and easier than the classroom studies. “As time passes, the schoolwork has been a little difficult, and it also takes me a long time to do,” said Anna, summing up her current thoughts. “It also depends on the class. I also realize that it’s hard for teachers to convert schoolwork into eLearning.”
Her thoughts about continuing like this for the rest of the year are, “I’m just ready to be done with my schoolwork this year. I don’t mind doing a little bit every day though.”
But that is not all. Junior Logan Drown's first view “was that it was going to be hard to use and communicate with teachers, but that hasn’t been the case.”
How has that view changed? As Logan puts it, “It has definitely changed because I feel like the teachers have done a very good job of being understanding about technology issues, and how that can affect deadlines and things like that.” He is not bothered by doing schoolwork this way, “but I definitely miss school and the face-to-face teaching with my teachers and the rest of my classmates.”
Whether it may be self-quarantine or a difficult test, it is sure to say that students will do their best to carry on.